Home Blog Christmas Recipe: Organic Sugarfree Gingerbread Cookies with Goji

Christmas Recipe: Organic Sugarfree Gingerbread Cookies with Goji

Christmas  Recipe: Organic Sugarfree Gingerbread Cookies with Goji

Time of preparation (including kitchen desk cleaning) is no more than 25 minutes!

At last, Christmas holiday and the time for gingerbread cookies has started! Also, preparation of gingerbread cookies would be a super fun and developing activity for kids from 2 years old.

These gingerbread cookies contain healthier ingredients like organic coconut butter and organic whole rye flour. I use coconut butter quite often since it adds a subtle yummy coconut flavor and because of its many health benefits, such as:

– Coconut butter helps to maintain cholesterol level, weight loss, digestion, metabolism.
– Coconut butter improves immunity.

Ingredients: (for about 18-20 cookies of medium size)
• ¾ cup organic Goji berries or raspberry if you like better
• 1 stick organic coconut butter, softened
• 2 medium organic eggs
• 3 ¾ cups whole rye flour (plus you’ll need a little extra for dusting your work surface)
• 2 teaspoons ground organic ginger
• 1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
• ½ teaspoon ground organic cinnamon
• ½ teaspoon freshly grated organic nutmeg – if you don’t want to grate nutmeg, use ground, but since fresh nutmeg is more potent, you’ll need to use a bit extra ground.
• ½ teaspoon organic cloves

How to make Homemade Sugarfree Organic Gingerbread Cookies with Goji Berries?

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 C) or save energy and heat an oven after the dough is ready.
2. Stir together dry ingredients in a medium bowl .
3. With an electric mixer, set speed to medium and mix coconut butter for about 3 minutes.
4. Add egg whites, Gobi berries and continue to mix on medium speed for another minute.
5. Gradually add the bowl of dry ingredients and mix on medium speed for another minute, or until all ingredients are combined.
6. Refrigerate dough for 5-10 minutes or until chilled through and slightly hardened.
7. Roll dough between two sheets of parchment paper, to about 1/3 inch (0.8 cm) thickness.
8. Use cookie cutters to cut your cookie shapes or give your kids a pile of said dough. Have them roll out dough on a lightly floured surface, until dough is about 1/8 inch (0.3 cm) thick. Cut out designs of your choosing with cookie cutters.
9. Place cookies in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
10. Bake for no longer than 5-7 minutes at 350 F (180 C) or until the cookies are golden around the edge. Longer they bake, the crunchier they get.
11. Cool down your cookies and decorate them as you wish!

There are a lot of options when it comes to decorating the cookies. I use for decoration organic yogurt or cream and non-toxic food coloring. Decorate however you wish and be creative!

The cookies taste amazing warmed up and served a scoop of organic frozen vanilla yogurt, and look adorable on Santa’s cookie plate!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas!


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